Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fish Fear Their Own Reflections

By: LiveScience Staff
Some fish get scared when looking at themselves in a mirror study finds. They are more afraid of their own reflection then another fish separating them by glass. But whether its a reflection or a real fish the first physical instinct is the same which is to fight. Researchers experimented by putting fish together but separating them with glass and then replacing it with a mirror. Which resulted in attempting to fight or giving gestures towards fighting. Although the type of fighting the fish were doing was not like usual, it was different usually they bite each other one after another but with this instance they did not act the same way. In my opinion the way the fish are acting is very interesting for they do not realize they don't have full contact with their opponent especially when its their own reflection.

I got this information from:

1 comment:

  1. hi i did the same thing on my blog !!!! so weird... its A.Z.
