Sunday, January 30, 2011

Secret of the Sea Horse: How Creature Got its Curve

Sea Horses don't have that curve in them for no reason. Although it does look cool. Researches discovered that the wavy shape evolved to help capture prey. This curve makes the creature very different then its relatives the pipefish. With this curve in the body it gives the sea horse an advantage to capture its prey, more so then if it was straight-bodied. Having the curve suggests an easier ability to move forward, as well as an advance in the length it can go in one motion. In my opinion this discovery is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. Having the curve would help creatures out more than without, and having the curve gives them an advantage to be taken for granted.

I got my information from:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why You Should Hold A Grudge Against Your Spouse

Many people take the easy way out and just forget their spouses mistakes, move on from them, put them in the past. But is that always the right way to handle things? Sometimes saying "its okay honey" may give your partner the idea its okay to do it again. Therefore, past mistakes will reoccur over time. So holding a grudge against something you don't feel is right makes more sense and will lead to less problems in the future then just forgiving right away. Study's show that marriages who are very forgiving of there spouse tend to fight more then others who don't let their partner off the hook as easy for the reason that the behaviors of the unforgiving spouse will be better because they want to be forgiven. Scientists also found that couples who are more forgiving have troubles with their spouses behavior the next day, twice as much as couples who hold the grudge. This isn't saying to never forgive your spouse, just sometimes being tougher on your loved one will benefit in the long run. In my opinion being less forgiving will lead to fewer problems based on research results.

I got my information from: